| The Points Guyhttps://thepointsguy.com/ Great access to deal alerts, seat sales, maximizing points, and a few heart-warming travel stories to round things out. The essential reading links are a great first stop for any points collecting journey.
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 | One Mile At a Timehttps://onemileatatime.com/ A massive amount of content about specific travel credit cards, hotel and airline bonuses and rewards changes, travel, and travel news. Also features an active Q & A forum. | |
 | Lonely Planethttp://www.lonelyplanet.com This is a blog-loving traveler’s paradise for fans of Lonely Planet. There’s something for everyone on the site from destinations to forums, links to travel buddies, and specific interests (Beaches, coasts and islands anyone?). | |
 | ViaTravelershttps://viatravelers.com/ ViaTravelers is a destination travel blog featuring bucket list ideas, travel guides, and accommodation ideas for amazing places all over the world. | |
 | Loyalty Lobbyhttps://loyaltylobby.com/ First class travel and luxury accommodations through carefully analyzed points and rewards strategies. Plus fascinating travel news that you might not read anywhere else. | |
 | Adventure.comhttps://adventure.com/ This site results from over a dozen season travel writers who take wild adventures that almost defy logic. If there’s an adventure in a far-off corner of the world, you’ll probably read about it here. | |
 | Travel Off Pathhttps://www.traveloffpath.com/ The Travel Off Path blog provides the latest travel tips, guides, news and things to do around the World from leading travel experts. | |
 | Wander With Alexhttps://wanderwithalex.com As seen on MSN, Wander With Alex offers research, personal experiences, and news to help vacationers and travelers plan their next trip! | |
 | Nomadic Matthttps://www.nomadicmatt.com/travel-blog/ Complete resources for traveling on a budget to anywhere, plus blog posts on recent adventures. The site also has a very active forum with everything from finding travel buddies to older travelers. | |
 | Bald Thoughtshttps://baldthoughts.boardingarea.com/ Bald Thoughts is a budget travel blog that focuses on teaching readers how to travel more, spend less, and live better using airline miles, hotel points, and rewards promotions to reduce their travel budget. | |
 | Johnny Jethttps://www.johnnyjet.com/ Newsy travel site with great resources for travel, points, and rewards how-to. Johnny is a real person who overcame a fear of flying, and he writes as well as facilitates information from a variety of travel experts. | |
 | Travel Codexhttps://travelcodex.com/ Flight deals, hotel and flight reviews, and current travel news. The team of writers also gives tips and hacks for using rewards to get great travel deals. | |
 | Travel Lemminghttps://travellemming.com/ Travel Lemming writes listicles and travel guides focused on combatting overtourism by highlighting alternative emerging destinations and hidden gems. | |
 | TravelBloggerBuzzhttp://travelbloggerbuzz.com/ Brutal but honest reviews of other blogs, rewards cards, and one of the only sites calling out other bloggers for aggressive selling. The articles feature an entertaining and eclectic mix of travel reviews and tips.
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 | Everything Everywherehttps://everything-everywhere.com/blog/ Travel blog and travel photos by Gary Arndt, who has been traveling the world full time for over 13 years. Great writing and photos, and some amazing adventures from a guy who isn’t in his 20s anymore. | |
 | Global Grasshopperhttps://globalgrasshopper.com/ Global Grasshopper is a boutique travel blog featuring unique hotels, under-the-radar destinations and the world's most beautiful places. | |
 | Our Woven Journeyhttps://www.ourwovenjourney.com Our Woven Journey is a travel blog focused on mapping out the best travel guides and itineraries to help our readers plan fantastic experiences. | |
 | Blogger at Largehttps://www.bloggeratlarge.com/ Megan Singleton is the author of Blogger at Large and has been galavanting around the world travel writing full time for over 20 years. “Travel inspiration made easy” is the tagline for the blog. | |
 | Adventurous Katehttps://www.adventurouskate.com/blog/ Empowering travel blog for adventure-loving women interested in solo travel. Kate blogs about unique and unusual travel experiences, safety, and how to make money as a travel blogger. | |
 | Points, Miles & Martinishttps://pointsmilesandmartinis.boardingarea.com/ All around travel and points information, with details about rewards program changes and bonuses. Trip reports are categorized into major areas for an easier access to information on your next destination. | |
 | Travel With Granthttp://travelwithgrant.boardingarea.com/ Tips and tricks for qualifying purchases on rewards cards, bonuses, and travel reviews. Some specific smaller awards and tips that don’t seem to be on other sites. | |
 | Ordinary Travelerhttps://ordinarytraveler.com/blog Travel advice and photography for people who love to travel and keep a home base to come back to. Great blogs on active travel with tips on making the most out of your vacation days. | |
 | Asher & Lyrichttps://www.asherfergusson.com/ The Asher & Lyric blog is all about helping people travel smarter, safer, and be more informed about what to pack for any overseas trip. They also conduct a lot of useful research. | |
 | Jones Around The Worldhttp://jonesaroundtheworld.com/ Jones Around The World is an adventure travel and festival blog with hundreds of helpful itineraries, destination guides, accommodation recommendations and so much more. | |
 | The World Travel Guyhttps://theworldtravelguy.com/ Adventure travel blog by a Bali-based American world traveler and his wife. Regularly updated with guides, tips, photos, and videos of scenic destinations around the world. | |
 | AwayGoWehttps://www.awaygowe.com Join their journey to discover unique, under-the-radar places, dive deeper into the world's best known destinations, and share tips and advice from two decades of travel. | |
 | Flight Hackshttps://flighthacks.com.au/ Flight Hacks sift through the latest deals, promotions & Frequent Flyer updates, and share the highlights & key facts with you via news, tips and easy-to-read how-to guides. | |
 | Million Mile Secretshttps://millionmilesecrets.com/latest-posts/ Great tips on paying with points for travel around the world. Daraius, Emily, and their team have redeemed millions of miles and enjoy all kinds of luxury travel. | |
 | A WALK IN THE WORLDhttps://awalkintheworld.com/ Want to discover how best to travel the world? The blog contains travel guides, posts, Itineraries, tips, photos and backpacking plans - all in one place. | |
 | Abroad with Ashhttps://www.abroadwithash.com/ Abroad with Ash blog is designed to help others explore the world without breaking the bank & to reduce the amount of time spent planning a trip via top 5 lists, itineraries & city guides. | |
 | Alex in Wanderlandhttps://www.alexinwanderland.com/ Fun read about travel, travel disasters, scuba diving, and permanent traveling. Alex has been traveling and blogging about it full-time for the past 6 years. | |
 | Angelina Travelshttp://angelinatravels.boardingarea.com/ The blog is ran by Angelina, who simply put, is a points & miles fanatic who takes too many vacations. | |
 | Anywhere We Roamhttps://anywhereweroam.com/ At Anywhere We Roam we provide detailed information, location guides and local insights to help travellers experience more adventurous destinations and invoke their curiosity. | |
 | Boutique Japanhttps://boutiquejapan.com/blog/ Comprehensive blog dedicated to in-depth posts on Japan travel. Focus on helping readers gain truly authentic, immersive experiences thanks to our profound expertise. | |
 | ClaimCompasshttps://www.claimcompass.eu/blog/ The ClaimCompass blog teaches it's readers about their passenger rights, as well as sharing useful travel tips and the latest industry news. | |
 | Expert Vagabondhttps://expertvagabond.com/travel-blog/ Adventure and travel with destinations, travel resources, and photography tips. Two years ago had a chance to join vagabond Matt on a travel and photography tour—to Russia. | |
 | Extra Pack of Peanutshttps://extrapackofpeanuts.com/blog/ Extra Pack of Peanuts shows it's audience how to travel the world, whilst spending less. They provide a range of tips on credit cards, flights and accommodation. | |
 | footloose devhttp://footloosedev.com/ Footloose dev is a travel blog by an Indian travel blogger. On the site you will find tips on how to start blogging, and more importantly the best holiday destinations in India and abroad. | |
 | Frequent Milerhttp://frequentmiler.boardingarea.com/ If you’re ready to build miles without flying, this is your go-to source for information about maximizing sign-up bonuses and getting big miles fast. It also keeps up to date on great travel offers. | |
 | Frugal Travel Guyhttps://www.frugaltravelguy.com/ Resource for all ways to save money traveling, from rewards cards to hotel deals, family travel, and tours. The FTG also has a great source for points rookies (those just beginning the points and rewards world). | |
 | Globetrotter Girlshttps://globetrottergirls.com/ This site is packed with the adventures and information of traveler and nomad Dani. She’s been traveling nearly full time for over 10 years, and shares everything about inspiring destinations, and more. | |
 | Go See Writehttp://www.goseewrite.com/ Permanent traveler Michael Hodson and his team have written thorough and inspiring travel guides to destinations around the world. Michael’s best claim to fame may be traveling the world without leaving the ground. | |
 | La Jolla Momhttps://lajollamom.com/ La Jolla Mom is one of the most popular online resources for where to stay, what to do, and how to save money in San Diego and select major cities worldwide. | |
 | Lazy Travel Bloghttps://karolinapatryk.com/ This is a blog that takes a peek behind the glamorous curtain of that lifestyle we’ve all seen and envied and shows you what it really looks like. It’s a blog that shows you the good, the bad, the ugly, and more. | |
 | Location Rebelhttps://www.locationrebel.com/blog/ This site is for everyone who wants the freedom to work independent of location while traveling the world. There is also the Location Rebel Academy where you can access courses. | |
 | Loophole Travelhttps://loopholetravel.com/ Get connected to a bargain loving adventurer and the real travelers who use his advice. You can also read reviews on travel gear and find some exotic travel stories with a local connection. | |
 | More Than Just Parkshttps://morethanjustparks.com More Than Just Parks is a national parks blog created to share the beauty of America's national parks in an effort to get Americans to see the true value in land conservation. | |
 | PlacesofJumahttps://www.placesofjuma.com/ On PlacesofJuma Martina & JĂĽrgen write about their trips around the globe. The two love photography and are therefore always exploring the most beautiful places and locations. | |
 | Stuck in Customshttps://www.stuckincustoms.com/ Daily blog that specializes in spectacular travel photos and all things related to photography and photo editing. Short blogs, photos, and videos about photo editing. | |
 | The Everywhereisthttps://everywhereist.com/blog/ Witty, entertaining, and well-written blog about traveling, life, and feminism. Her descriptions of her travels (and food) make you want to follow exactly in her footsteps. | |