| The Penny Hoarderhttps://www.thepennyhoarder.com/ Founded by Kyle Taylor, the Penny Hoarder is one of the largest personal finance websites, helping millions of readers worldwide who earn and save money by sharing unique job opportunities, personal stories, and freebies. | |
 | GOBankingRateshttps://www.gobankingrates.com/ GOBankingRates writes on all things personal finance, empowering readers to live richer in every way: bank accounts, personal goals, how they explore the world and in their career. | |
 | NerdWallethttps://www.nerdwallet.com/blog/ NerdWallet's tailored advice, content and tools ensure safe money investment with good return. The website also provide clarity for all of life's financial decisions. | |
 | finmastershttps://finmasters.com Finmasters is a personal finance blog on a mission to provide the right information and tools so that anyone can learn how to make, save and grow their money. | |
 | Money Saving Momhttp://moneysavingmom.com/ Founded by Crystal Paine, MoneySavingMom is a website that provides a comprehensive list of free services, from personal financial advice to small coupon and store deals. | |
 | A Wealth of Common Sensehttp://awealthofcommonsense.com/ Awealthofcommonsense provides detailed investment plans and manages portfolios for institutions and individuals to help them achieve their goals. | |
 | ESI Moneyhttps://esimoney.com/ Esimoney is a website about managing money so one can become wealthy. The blog provides tips that have helped the author amass a sizable net worth. | |
 | Of Dollars And Datahttps://ofdollarsanddata.com/ Founded by Nick Maggiulli, the ofdollarsanddata website provides valuable insights about personal finance and investing using data analysis. | |
 | Go Curry Cracker!https://gocurrycracker.com/ Founded by Winnie and Jeremy, Gocurrycracker blog is a resource for living life without worrying about financial problems and generate sources of passive income for travel and other ventures. | |
 | The College Investorhttps://thecollegeinvestor.com/ The College Investor focuses on helping people get out of student loan debt to start investing and building wealth for the future. | |
 | The Stock Dorkhttps://thestockdork.com/ TheStockDork.com features reviews on stock market newsletters and tools. They also provide content around the best stocks to buy in different sectors of the market. | |
 | Wise Breadhttp://www.wisebread.com/ Wise Bread is a community of bloggers which provides financial advice and helps people thrive on a small budget. Essentially providing tailored career and money-making ideas for their customers. | |
 | Financial Samuraihttps://www.financialsamurai.com/ FinancialSamurai provides an honest and in-depth review of the best financial products to help you achieve financial independence. | |
 | Modest Moneyhttps://www.modestmoney.com/blog ModestMoney.com is single source for breaking investment news, including stock market developments, currency trading reports, and the latest commodities events. | |
 | Len Penzohttp://lenpenzo.com/blog With over a 9 million page views and 4 million unique visitors, Lenpenzo is an off beat personal finance blog for responsible people. | |
 | My Money Bloghttp://www.mymoneyblog.com/ With over 13,000 subscribers worldwide, Mymoneyblog gives financial advice, money making and money growing techniques. They discuss safe, high return investments and much more. | |
 | The Best Interesthttps://bestinterest.blog/blog The Best Interest is a nationally-recognized personal finance website helping people improve their financial literacy. No topic is too simple or too complex. | |
 | 1500 Days to Freedomhttps://www.1500days.com/ 1500days is a personal blog where the writers goal was to build a debt-free portfolio of $1,000,000 by February of 2017, 1500 days from the birth of this blog. Worth checking out. | |
 | Dividend Diplomatshttps://www.dividenddiplomats.com/ The Dividend Diplomats are two best friends that are passionate about retiring early. Their blog chronicles their FI/RE journey by investing in dividend growth stocks, living frugally, & other PF hacks.
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 | Good Financial Centshttps://www.goodfinancialcents.com/all/ Goodfinancialcents is a website by Jeff, a certified finance planner. The website provides guidanceto gain full control of your money situations so that the site's readers can be financially independent. | |
 | Money Crashershttps://www.moneycrashers.com/ MoneyCrashers strives to educate individuals in making wise choices about credit and debt, investing, education, real estate, insurance, spending and more. | |
 | Money Under 30https://www.moneyunder30.com/ A website by man who dug himself out of more than $80,000 in debt in just three years. Money Under 30 contains everything one needs to know about money, written by real people who’ve been there. | |
 | Get Rich Slowlyhttps://www.getrichslowly.org/articles/ Founded by J.D. Roth, Getrichslowly provides a clear pathway towards greater financial freedom. Tips are shared for digging your way out of debt and building a better financial future, as well as stock-market investing. | |
 | Retire Happyhttps://retirehappy.ca/ Retire Happy will help you learn all you need to know about retirement issues such as RRSP, CPP, OAS, TFSA, RRIF, tax rates and tax optimization. | |
 | Banker on Wheelshttps://bankeronwheels.com/ Bankeronwheels.com contains extensive guidance for FIRE community focusing on financial independence investing. Compiled by an ex Portfolio Manager and CFA Charterholder | |
 | Well Kept Wallethttps://wellkeptwallet.com/ Started in 2010, Well Kept Wallet helps people make money, save money, and pay off debt in the United States. | |
 | Mr. Money Mustachehttp://www.mrmoneymustache.com/ Founded by Peter Adeney, Mrmoneymustache is a personal financial blog in which the author shares the secrets about how one can create a life that is better than your current one. | |
 | Frugalwoodshttp://www.frugalwoods.com/ Frugalwoods is about simple, joyful, luxurious frugality as well as personal finance and homesteading. The website motivates to achieve financial independence through simple living. | |
 | Think Save Retirehttps://thinksaveretire.com/ With over 700,000 views in the year 2017, thinksaveretire provides guidance towards managing personal finance and achieving the path toward early retirement. | |
 | Millennial Revolutionhttps://www.millennial-revolution.com/ Millennial revolution comprises of a series of real life inspirations to become financially free. The website also provides step-by-step training about how investing works, and how to retire at an early age. | |
 | MoneySmartGuideshttps://www.moneysmartguides.com/ Jon Dulin created MoneySmartGuides to help people break free of debt and start building wealth so they can achieve their financial dreams. Take the first step on your journey here. | |
 | The Simple Path to Wealthhttp://jlcollinsnh.com/ The blog is best known for the Stock Series and teaches about the subjects Money – Life – Travel – Business. The blog provides a simple path to wealth and financial freedom. | |
 | 20 Something Financehttps://20somethingfinance.com/ Founded by G.E. Miller, 20somethingfinance is a personal blog teaching financial independence, hacking the way to spending extremely low levels and learning the basics of personal finance. | |
 | You Need a Budgethttps://www.youneedabudget.com/blog/ YNAB is driven by a small, steadily growing and passionate team. The website teaches you to gain control of money matters. YNAB, with its ability to change lives, is something really special. | |
 | Dollar Sprouthttps://dollarsprout.com/blog/ Dollar Sprout want everyone to worry less about money and spend more time on the things that truly matter in life. By bringing you their latest ideas on how to make and save money and make smarter financial choices. | |
 | The Savvy Couplehttps://thesavvycouple.com/ Founded by Kelan & Brittany Kline The Savvy Couple helps families organize and simplify their finances to unlock the freedom to do more of the things they love! | |
 | WalletHubhttps://wallethub.com/blog/ WalletHub is dedicated to helping people efficiently attain top finances so they may enjoy life instead of worrying about money. To that end, they strive to make the complex simple. | |
 | Mad Fientisthttps://www.madfientist.com/articles/ Madifientist is focused specifically on providing advice and innovative tax-avoidance methods for people planning to break away from full-time employment very early in life. | |
 | MoneyNinghttp://moneyning.com/ MoneyNing is all about helping to become Debt Free, showing how to build wealth through time and prove how financial choices impact your life. | |
 | Annuityhttps://www.annuity.org/news/ Annuity.org is a website that offers professional insight from financial experts on a variety of financial topics to help you make a smart decision about money. | |
 | Financial Freedom Countdownhttps://financialfreedomcountdown.com/ Topics include increasing income, investment options including stocks, bonds, real estate, cryptos, accredited investments and anything related to smart financial planning. | |
 | SeedTimehttps://seedtime.com/blog/ SeedTime is a personal finance blog and website dedicated to providing Biblical money-management tips, ways to save money, strategies to get out of debt, and a fresh look at what the bible says about money. | |
 | Be The Budgethttps://bethebudget.com/ Be The Budget is a personal finance blog with a heavy emphasis on budgeting and debt-free living. The blog started about a year ago, and it has grown to over 40K monthly readers. | |
 | Budgets Are Sexyhttp://www.budgetsaresexy.com/ A money blog trying to spice things up a bit, it advises on budget planning, retirement, credit cards, 401k, templates and becoming a millionaire. | |
 | Common Cents Momhttps://www.commoncentsmom.com Common Cents Mom is a modern money wellness magazine that focuses on consumerism, saving money, and shopping smarter. | |
 | Consumerism Commentaryhttps://www.consumerismcommentary.com/ Consumerism Commentary is a premiere blog focusing on personal finance, money management, and investing for the future. The website is dedicated to unbiased reviews of banking and other consumer finance products. | |
 | CREDELLOhttps://www.credello.com/blog/ Credello is a personal finance tool that simplifies financial decisions through personalized, on-demand recommendations — so you can borrow, save, or invest with confidence. | |
 | DoughRollerhttps://www.doughroller.net/ With over 23,000 subscribers worldwide, The Dough Roller is a blog focusing on money, how to make it, give it, save it, and spend it in a way that moves us closer to financial freedom. | |
 | ElitePersonalFinancehttps://www.elitepersonalfinance.com/ Elite Personal Finance is a network of industry experts looking to give their audience sound financial advice. Their goal is to pass personal finance knowledge to millennials, while enhancing it to better apply in today’s digital world. | |
 | Financer.com UShttps://financer.com/us/personal-finance/news/ Financer.com provides fully localized personal finance content to 1.5M monthly visitors across 27 countries entirely for free, and without registrations. | |